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Optimistic Thinking and Depression

By: Jo Johnson - Updated: 25 Oct 2010 | comments*Discuss
Depression Optimistic Suicide Bipolar

Living with depression can seem like the darkest times of life not only for those who suffer from the condition but for those they live with too.

Although a lot of research has been carried out into the area and quite a substantial amount of information is known about the condition, there are still grey areas that even the experts are not sure of, this can include the types of treatments for successfully managing the condition but also ways in which the individual and those around them can help themselves.

A positive mental attitude may seem like something that is inconsiderable for the person with depression and if it was as easy as that why would we need medications and professional input?

What Is Optimistic Thinking?

Optimism is not something that comes naturally to everyone and many people will find that they have to put in some effort to gain the benefits of performing this task but it really can help lessen the severity of a low mood and even help prevent depression from taking a hold of a person.

Although it may not be particularly useful for those who have been diagnosed with severe clinical depression of bipolar disorder, it can help between bouts of depression and for those who live with a depressed person.

Writing down all the things that have in the past lifted your mood may help you to stay positive.All the things that people have said or an action or gesture that has been positive towards you can then be referenced when you feel undervalued or alone.

Perhaps you could find some motivation from words and find some written ,materials that can help lift your mood, or find something suitable hat can be read to a depressed person when they may need company but cannot interact with you.

Many people, who are able find that exercise can help lift their mood and be a useful tool for venting anger, frustration and upset. Any activity that you have enjoyed in the past may help provide some time to yourself to unwind, work out emotions and clarify thought and can be extremely beneficial for someone who feels their mood decreasing. It is also very good for those living with a depressed person as many emotions can be exposed and worked through if the activity is suitable.

Is It Suitable For All?

Of course simply being optimistic and having a positive mental attitude will not help all individuals and those who have bipolar disorder and are experiencing bouts of mania may display a highly energised and positive persona whilst going through this episode.

Anyone displaying these symptoms may need professional help and their existing drug regime re-evaluating depending on the severity of the attack.If the person is displaying suicidal tendencies or has stated that they are feeling suicidal and contemplating suicide it is essential that professional help is called even if you must call an ambulance.

Depression is a very complex illness and the subject is not fully understood even by the doctors.There is only so much someone can do to help someone with depression before a doctor must intervene as it can develop and decline very quickly.

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