Depression Issues...
Below are our articles on the subject of Depression Issues. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Can Fathers Experience Postnatal Depression?
A new study suggests that approximately ten percent of fathers experience postpartum depression. Find out how it happens and what you can do....

Controversial New Brain Treatment for Depression
A controversial new brain treatment for severe depression has shown positive results, although it is expensive and more research is currently in progress....

Depression After an Abortion
For many women, abortion brings about temporary feelings of sadness while for a smaller number, these feelings may persist and lead to depression....

Depression and Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying is devastating to victims and can lead to depression....

Depression and Pain
According to a recent study, people who suffer from real physical pain may find it is worsened by their depression....

Discrimination and Depression
Minority children experience racism in multiple contexts, which could increase their risk of depression....

Housework and the Depression Link
There have been studies with conflicting results on whether housework can help or increase depression....

How Does Online Therapy Help Depression?
Online therapy is an excellent medium for counselling that can help people with milder forms of depression....

How Medics Miss the Signs of Depression
A depressed person's personality can make friends and family miss the signs of depression, causing a physician to miss them as well....

How Personality Affects Depression Treatment
Many factors influence how well you respond to depression medications and personality is one of them....

Impact of Family Depression on Kids
If parents are depressed and do not treat their depression, they can harm their children's mental health....

New Developments in Gender Differences and Depression
Antidepressant therapy affects men and women differently, which may lead to changes in how treatment is approached and monitored....

Research Into Illegal Drugs and Depression
Illegal drugs are known to trigger depression in some people but recent research suggests that the street drug 'ketamine' can help severe depression....