Types of Depression...
Below are our articles on the subject of Types of Depression. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Bipolar and Manic Depression
Bipolar disorder involves a depressive phase and a manic one. Treatment is aimed at stabilising moods and will usually involve medications and psychotherapy....

Childhood Distress
Childhood distress can show different depressive symptoms and treatment often requires input from the entire family. A doctor should be the primary person to diagnose…...

Depression and Bullying
Bullying in children can lead to depression and possibly suicide. It's important to be aware of the signs of bullying to ensure it is promptly addressed....

Depression and Sexual Assault
If you have suffered from sexual assault, you may go on to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or clinical depression. Talk to a doctor or friend to help you…...

Depression Due to Bereavement
When grief from bereavement is long lasting and overwhelming, it can lead to depression. See your doctor for diagnosis and treatment....

Depression in Young Men
Young men have unique needs for depression treatment and tend to experience symptoms differently that other groups. Talk to your doctor about ways to treat depression....

Dysthymia Depression
Dysthymia depression is a chronic and persistent but mild form of depression that is generally treated with antidepressant therapy and counselling....

Eating Disorders and Depression
Eating disorders can go hand-in-hand with depression. It's important to seek treatment for both conditions....

Major Depression
Major depression is a common mental health disorder that has a devastating impact on a person's health and well-being. Treatment with psychotherapy and antidepressants…...

Melatonin and Seasonal Affective Disorder
Early research suggests that melatonin might be helpful in treating Seasonal Affective Disorder. Currently, light therapy is the primary treatment....

Pets and Depression
Pets are thought to experience depression in similar ways to humans. There are currently drug-based treatments and more natural ways to treat depression in pets....

PMS and Depression
Depression can occur independently of PMS or as a symptom of PMS. Treatment entails lifestyle adjustments and medication where appropriate....

Postnatal Depression (PND)
Postnatal depression can be very distressing and can keep you from enjoying motherhood. Speak to your doctor about medication and counselling therapy for treatment....

Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a depressive condition that usually occurs during periods of low light, such as wintertime. Light therapy and medications can…...

Soldiers and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorders can occur after soldiers experience traumatic events on the battlefield. Unfortunately, the stigma associated with the disorder often…...