Living With Depression...
Below are our articles on the subject of Living With Depression. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Coping Financially With Depression
Financially coping with depression can be difficult, especially if depression prevents you from working. Others may find that prior debt actually led to their…...

Coping With Depression From Divorce
Divorce is difficult and can lead to depression. By coping with painful feelings as they emerge, you can improve your moods and help to prevent depression....

Depression After Miscarriage
Grief after a miscarriage is normal but sometimes it can lead to clinical depression....

Depression and Dementia
Much confusion exists over how depression relates to Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. A new study seeks to make sense of it all....

Depression and Diabetes
People who suffer from depression are thought to be more likely to suffer from Type 2 diabetes later in life. New research will hopefully show ways to reduce this risk....

Depression and Negative Thoughts
Depression and negative thoughts can go hand in hand. But there are many ways of coping such as cognitive behavioural counselling that can help you manage your…...

Depression in the Elderly
The symptoms and treatment of depression in the elderly requires a special, tailored approach. Social isolation is an additional factor that should be considered....

Driving and Depression
Depression can negatively affect driving ability and this is further compounded by antidepressant therapy. Be aware of how you feel while driving and talk to your…...

Insomnia Caused by Depression
Insomnia can exist as a symptom of depression or it can also lead to depression. Speak with your doctor about obtaining treatment for each condition....

Pregnancy and Depression
Depression may be particularly frightening during pregnancy as it can affect the growing foetus. Seek treatment immediately and talk to your doctor about medication…...

Prescription Drugs and Suicide
Prescription drugs help millions of people live their lives each year and in the right hands can be life-saving, but in the hands of a depressed and suicidal person,…...

Work and Education
Your job or education can trigger a depressive illness as well as making an existing one more challenging to handle. Be open about your depression and take steps to…...