Self Management...
Below are our articles on the subject of Self Management. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Avoiding Negative and Thinking Positive Thoughts
Negative thoughts can be destructive to self-esteem and can contribute to depression. By consciously replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, you will feel more…...

Finding a Confidant
Finding a confidant is important as it allows you to share the feelings and challenges involved in your depression. Focus on strengthening existing relationships or…...

How Self Help Books Can Worsen Depression
Many people rely on self-help books to treat depressive symptoms or even clinical depression. But sometimes, they can make things worse....

How To Assert Yourself
Learning to be assertive can help you to cope with the helplessness and sadness that you may experience as part of your depression. Try to address your needs through…...

How to Conquer Feelings of Inferiority
Conquering feelings of inferiority can improve your self-esteem and interactions with others, which can help you to manage your depression. Try to accept and recognize…...

How to Increase Your Self Esteem
Poor self-esteem can predispose a person to depressive illness but by taking steps to improve your self-perceptions, you can lead a happier and more positive life....

How to Rebuild Your Life After a Breakdown
Rebuilding your life after a breakdown can be a significant challenge. By breaking down each area in small steps, you can put the pieces of your life back together again....

How to Reduce the Risks of Depression Reoccurring
Medications, counselling and lifestyle changes can help prevent depression from recurring. Your doctor will help you find a management plan that reduces your…...

Monitoring Your Own Mood
Monitoring your mood requires an awareness of triggering situations as well as a strong sense of your own feelings. A mood diary and friend or family support can help....

Music Therapy for Depression
Music therapy may help with depression but it is most likely to be used in conjunction with other mental health treatments....

Participating in Activities
Participating in activities can be a challenge for someone who is depressed. Find activities you enjoy and try to obtain support from a friend to keep you on track and…...

Recognising Triggers of Your Own Depression
Various environmental, physical and psychological events can trigger depression. By identifying your personal triggers and taking steps to avoid or manage them, you…...

Reducing Stress During Holidays
Holidays can be stressful for some people. If you're prone to depression, try to find ways to reduce the stress....

Setting Realistic Goals to Overcome Depression
It's important to set realistic goals to overcome depression. Try breaking your depression down into smaller, more manageable parts and maintain a strong support network....

Smoking and Depression
People who smoke may be at a higher risk of developing the symptoms of depression. It's yet another reason to quit smoking....

Treating Depression With Nutrition
In order to treat depression effectively it is important to address all the needs of the person and encourage them to try and help themselves along with any help…...

Using Exercise for Mild Depression
Exercise can help you whether you suffer from mild or severe depression. But for those with severe depression, you will still need professional medical support....